Thursday, March 3, 2011

15th Entry

OK I am back and I am going to try and write daily even if it is brief. BUT I am not gonna stress if I miss a day here and there either. :-) Gotta keep peace in my mind if I can. Well, since I have last written I haven't had any flesh from farm animals. I gave in and  had a little bit of fish since I made my commitment to  go high raw vegan so I definitely need to take it somewhat slower than I would like.  That is pretty darn good for me since I have had to prepare meat for my boyfriend's suppers and smell it. It smelled good but I just didn't want it. I hope my mind stays in that frame forever. Transitioning off of meat and cooked food all at once is not really a good idea for me to do overnight. I have been eating SAD (standard American diet) for 45 plus years so I feel I should wean myself off of cooked food specifically. I have made an agreement with myself that if I want to have a seafood from time to time than I can but to  try and only have it if it is really high quality wild caught. None of this farm raised frankenfish garbage.  I LOVE seafood more than any other kind of food so it will be hard to give that up entirely for awhile. But I WANT to get to a point where I am a comfortable, natural, high or all raw vegan. Preferably ALL RAW. I think I could take the plunge better if I wasn't afraid of too many detox symptoms. So I have made my mind up to control the detox as best I can because I don't want to flood my bloodstream with an overload of toxins all at once. Slow and steady should win the race.
As of this afternoon I was on a pretty good roll of all raw until Ed brought home the fish sandwich and fries and ice coffee. SO I need to spend the rest of today with high water and only raw food. Exercise would be a really good idea BUT now my energy level ( that was excellent earlier today) is now crapped out. I feel bloated, tired, and practically ready for a nap. Not to mention very thirsty.  Earlier while eating only raw fruit, and raw coconut I felt really good and started getting things done around my house. Now I need to finish vacuuming and I just don't feel like it. It is a no wonder that people eating SAD are relying on 5 hour energy drinks, coffee, tea, sugar and other substances just to get through the day. I am surprised we aren't all demanding nap times at work to get through the exhaustion that hits most people by mid-afternoon. Is it any wonder that people are crazy, depressed, scatter brained, bi-polar, hostile and angry. Is it any wonder that people spend so much time and money trying to self medicate just to feel better. When all the while if they just started eating a clean non-violent diet then maybe they would see the light and the world would be a better place.
I just got up out of my chair to give my dog her blanket that she likes and I noticed how stiff my joints feel-again. Funny they didn't feel that bad earlier today. Could it be that my whole body is reacting in a inflammatory way to the ingredients in the fast food shit I just put into my precious body. I think so! I really do. My body is overloaded and can't whizz through a load of chemically laden fake food-it gets bogged down with the burden. It so wants to be healthy, I so want to be healthy. I just want to eat to live. I want more life in my years and more years to my life. I don't want to be a spectator in life anymore. I want the faded snug sexy jeans, and the white eyelet summer sexy top, and the tanned healthy glow, and the cute pedicure, and the cute hair cut and the athletic body that when anyone sees me they know immediately that I work out ALOT and take excellent care of myself. It is my turn to turn heads. :-)

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