Wednesday, March 9, 2011

16th Entry

Well, I am finally getting my act together slowly but surely. Actually a little bit more slowly than I would like but at least I am making progress even if it is sometimes one step forward and two steps back. I slipped up today and ate chicken. I couldn't refuse it because my boyfriend tried to be nice and get me fish but they (Wendy's) messed up the order and gave him a chicken sandwich instead. I couldn't be that ungrateful for his I ate it. I tried to be thankful for the chicken's sacrifice and move on as best I could.  But on the plus side I just got through watching a YouTube video of animal rights activist and vegan Gary Yourofsky's speech he made at Georgia Tech. It really put some serious wind in my sails and resolve in my brain. Thank you, Gary. There is not one more second to waste on supporting the use, abuse and slavery of animals. I get it. I'm getting it and I will keep getting it until I AM it. I watched some extremely disturbing, horrific footage of some of the abuse that regularly goes on at a dairy farm. I cried. Again. I am going to keep facing the truth until the truth becomes a part of me. There is not one second to waste looking away and I am so very regretful that I have spent most of my life looking away. For that I hate myself. I could have affected change along time ago and furthermore I could have affected change in my family had I seen the light. People have died because change was put off. I have seen people that meant the world to me die prematurely mostly because of lifestyle changes that were never made. It is time to stop the cycle of apathy, procrastination and downright laziness. It is time for all of us humans to evolve into the compassionate, peaceful beings God wants us to be. It is almost 8 p.m. on a Wednesday in early March. Instead of letting this day go by like another nondescript page in the wind I want to really shed my meat, fish, dairy and egg eating skin. I am changing right here right now. No MORE slip-ups. NO More justifications. NO more but just this little bit of dairy or cheese or pizza or fish or cream in my coffee. NO. NO MORE!! NOT AGAIN. I hereby ask God to give me the extra strength I will need when my resolve might falter. Thank you God. Amen.

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