Monday, March 21, 2011

Number 19

OK I know I haven't been blogging daily like I said I would but the whole idea behind this online diary is for me to write when the feeling strikes me- it's just that I was hoping it would strike me daily. Oh well. :-)
I am so excited right now because I have been immersing myself in raw vegan blogs and YouTube channels listening and learning from other raw food vegans.  I have been soaking up as much inspiration as I possibly can. The more I learn, the more this new way of living feels so incredibly right. It is right and it is just everything coming full circle. We as humans started out eating from the Garden of Eden and somehow along the way we thought our ways were better instead of God's way and Nature's way. We thought that animals were ours to use and abuse, we thought better living could be had through chemistry and we thought that sickness and disease was just a part of life. We also use to think the world was flat. It is time to evolve people! I can't wait to be an inspiration to others. I just started this journey and can not impress anybody yet but I sure hope to by summer. If I can get my family members to change their ways perhaps we can create a ripple effect BUT I have to get further down the path before I can beckon others to follow.
I asked God for help and he is showing me the way. Thank you God. For everything! I haven't felt this alive and inspired in soooo long. I know there will be bumps along the way-so what! Life is a journey not a destination and I want to continue my journey looking and feeling my authentic best physically AND mentally.
Peace. :-)

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