Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Number 20

Tonite I gave in to a massive unrelenting craving for MacDonald's Filet 'o Fish sandwiches, and fries and an apple pie.  As I was stuffing myself with the hot salty chemically laden addictive substances I analyzed the process of the craving and the succumbing to the craving. I realized that by feeling as if I "can't" have the garbage fake food I want it even more. I gave it way more importance than it deserved thus weakening my resolve to NOT put that shit into my body. Damn it!
OK it is not the end of the world. I will get back up and brush myself off and continue on my journey towards the best health and energy and fitness I can create. Key word: CREATE, I need to keep this concept in my mind at all times. I need to remember that it is up to me to create the lifestyle I want and dream of. Only I can sculpt an athlete from what I am now, Only I can bring myself back to my authentic self. Only I can give my body the materials it needs to rebuild itself.
So right now I will start with lots of water to start the flushing out process and get a good nights sleep. What's done is done.
The warm weather will be here real soon and will I be able to look good in shorts? I can look great if I start now and put this on project status with laser like focus and let nothing deter me! Let nothing stop me!
Every time I give in to a feast or even a snack of processed crap I delay my bliss and I delay my time to shine and be noticed for a change. I also add more toxic burden to my body which is trying very hard to heal.
C'mon now Elizabeth it is time to make up for lost time and step up the pace here as in "BOOT CAMP" style. Let's GO!!!!!

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