Friday, February 25, 2011

DAY 14-I'm Done.

Finally, I am back to my blog after a 3 day migraine and some other matters that came up. I am back to set a few words down. I have been reading, reading and re-reading everything I can on a raw food diet (raw vegan)  and fruitarianism. I first became intrigued about 2 years ago and dabbled here and there. Every time I ate in line with those philosophies I felt ALIVE, LIGHT, CLEAR and FREE. What's the holdup then? Well, my boyfriend would never go for it so.......blah blah blah.
Well, I am done!
I started off today on the right foot with fruit for breakfast then later on  I figured well it's a cold rainy day and it would be a good day to get rid of that bacon in the fridge. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more and proceeded to make a big lunch for Ed and me.
We ate bacon, eggs, toast and homefries and I really, really, really wish I hadn't. I will admit it tasted excellent. But that is where the pleasure ended. I now have to digest this sodium laden, greasy, some animal's suffering so I could eat it crap. I am so done.
 I can feel it in my heart of hearts. In my spirit. In my soul. It took me long enough to put my foot down firmly.... but it is now down. I mean it.
 I was just looking at some photographs online of a factory pig farm. The pigs were crammed together. It is just not right. The time has come for me to be the change and put my thinking into actions.  I am sick of being part of the problem. How can I in good conscience continue to subsidize the killing of animals? How can we as humans keep swallowing forkfuls of suffering, agony, pain and abuse? Not to mention pollution beyond pollution?
 I know better damn it!!!!! and today marks the beginning of a new way of life for me. I am going high raw vegan as of this very minute.
I will sign off with this quote I found that really moves me:

“But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and the light, and of that proportion of life and time, it had been born into the world to enjoy.”


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