Monday, February 7, 2011

DAY 8..well you get the picture...

OK so here is my 8th entry to my new blog. Eventually I will just give the entries numbers and perhaps a title. I like the whole numbered entry idea, kind of keeps things in a chronological order of sorts so that's what I'll do. My boyfriend is sleeping-again. This is what he does on and off all day long. I know he is depressed and lethargic from being totally out of shape. He is also depressed because he has been out of work for about 2 1/2 years. His unemployment ran out a few months ago and he is just scraping by on his savings. In that sense we are both in the same boat. I also am in need of a full time job like yesterday.  He was laid off from his job as a truck driver and was never called back. It's too bad because it was an ideal job for him. He had a local route and was home every night, he told me the correct term is a peddle driver. He has gained a substantial amount of weight and is in no shape to pass a physical for work. I know one thing, seeing him give up on himself is starting to be the straw that is going to break this camel's back. It is bad enough we haven't done anything fun in so many years-I can't remember the last time we enjoyed ourselves together. He never wants to do anything except watch sports and t.v. in general. Frankly, I am fed up and rather sickened at myself for wasting  too many years with someone who is basically nothing more than a couch potato.  Let me say this though he is a nice guy, he likes animals (that's important), he listens when I talk (a rarity in men), he is generous and always pays his fair share towards the  bills, when we had a sex life it was great  and most importantly he really does love me.
Here's what aggravates me: he never does one speck of housework. He has one chore and that is to put the trash out to the curb once a week. He just doesn't do it and I end up doing it. If I remind him he moans and bitches. He has been living with me for more than 10 years and trash night has ALWAYS been Tuesday night. When I remind him that it's trash night he acts like it is news to him and then whines about it. This really gets on my nerves.

This is what gives me stress: He is the most negative, complaining, grouchy person I have ever known. He has always been negative but as the years go by he is getting worse and worse. It is a real downer.

This is what turns me off: He is not as sanitary as I would like. He doesn't shower as much as he should (he takes about one shower a week) and often skips washing his hands after using the bathroom. This makes me sick. I go around with a bottle of bleach water and wipe down things after he handles them when I think he was too lazy to wash his hands. I sound like a detective but it doesn't take much figuring to notice that the  bathroom sink is bone dry after someone just used the toilet. I am sorry but that just doesn't sit well with me.

The more I write out my feelings the more I am realizing I live with a lazy pig who doesn't care one iota that I do 99 % of the  work that needs to be done around here.
He just asked me the infamous question "what are we eating tonite?" that's code words for "I'd like some supper". Off I go to make it.

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