Monday, February 14, 2011

DAY 12- Melting Snow

The snow is finally starting to melt and spring is peaking around the corner. A nice slow melt would be ideal as we have so much snow cover still on the ground. I was out in the back yard picking up dog poop today and noticed the snow was still up to my knees in most areas of the yard.
I can't wait for the sidewalks to be clear enough to actually walk on and then I can resume my walking schedule of daily long walks.
Well, today I felt pretty good overall but I must do something about the bluish tint I get at the base of my nails when my hands get cold. I definitely have some sort of circulation problem going on in my hands. My hands get cold easily and take a long time to warm up again. So something is not right. Maybe my blood is thick. Maybe I have damaged the little blood vessels in my hands over the years from the bad habit of sleeping with my hands under my head.
I should have spent more time outside today to get some natural vitamin D from the sun but I didn't. I planned on it but just didn't make it happen. Perhaps in a couple of days when the temps come up again I can take the opportunity to sit outside in just a t-shirt. Exposing my arms and neck and face is better than nothing.
I went shopping today and bought mostly fresh fruits and vegetables to jump start my transition to 80 % raw. I can't wait because I know I will feel so why have  I been putting it off? I think the cold winter has something to do with it. The primitive need to eat warm and hearty foods instead of cold raw plant foods.
This is going to be my year! I just know it. So many dietary and lifestyle changes that I have been putting off or half-heartedly attempting are going to become a way of life. I mean it this time with all my heart and soul. I have to. My body is starting to break in places and I have to repair it or die trying.
On a different note the one item I am getting rid of today is an old Sony radio that I bought at a thrift store last summer. It doesn't receive AM stations only FM so off to charity it goes. Somebody could use it in a garage or cellar.
That's it for today. 

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