Friday, February 11, 2011

DAY 9 and some new ideas...

For the ninth entry of my blog I thought I might incorporate another project I have been working on as of late. My other project is gradually reducing the number of possessions I have. Or as my grandmother used to say "It is time to lighten the load." I pared down considerably in 1999, then again in 2009 now I feel I want to get even leaner. I want to give the minimalist lifestyle real effort. I have always been drawn to a style of home that was more Japanese than American. Or perhaps the American version would be Shaker style. I love sparse interiors. I get a real sense of peace from the way sunlight plays on bare floors and empty spaces. So with each entry I will post a photo of one item that I am eliminating from my life for good.  The item will be  sent  off to another place where it will be of more use or just loved more.  I abhor the very notion of "throw it away." I make every effort to pass things on to someone else instead of the landfill. So for today my one item is a little plastic photo album that was my mother's. There were only a half dozen or so photos in it and the photos are now in my "To Be Scanned" pile. My mother passed away a couple of months ago and this little album was in some of her things. I will send the album off to charity as most of my photos are kept in digital form now. That's one item down for today.  I will look around to see what else I can part with as my quest for the lighter load continues. How about you? Is there something in your home that you could start a "Charity Box" with?

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