Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today is the 7th entry of my new blog.  It's about 3:30 pm and I feel like crap so thought I would write about it. I ate nothing all day until about 15 minutes ago. Now, I feel lousy. Once again from eating lousy food. First mistake I made was not eating at all until the afternoon so I probably let my blood sugar get way too low. I felt great even if my blood sugar was dropping I didn't have any symptoms. I wasn't even hungry actually.
About a half hour ago my boyfriend went out and when he came home he brought me in a chicken sandwich (Wendy's) , fries (Macdonald's) and an iced coffee (Dunkin's). I hadn't had any coffee all day so I sucked down a few big swigs of coffee very happy to have it. I then ate the sandwich and fries-Oh! I forgot to mention the Wendy's nuggets I ate too. Before I took my last bite I started feeling my heart start to race a bit and wondered what chemicals might be in the garbage I just shoved into my precious body. What the hell is the matter with me? Why can't I say no to this kind of fake food for good? I don't want to be rude when he brings food home for me and decline it but I really can't do this anymore. Not only does my heart feel racy but I also feel like I can fall asleep right here in this chair. I have had the wind knocked completely out of my sails. My energy level has plummeted, my mood is anxious and my brain feels suddenly foggy and out of it. I feel like going to bed. How's that for "you are what you eat?" Well, I must not put flavor enhanced garbage into my temple again.
Now instead of walking my dogs I want to lay down. My plans for the afternoon have been put on the back burner until I digest this load of chemical laden junk food. That meal stole my life force.
What to do now? Start drinking water and start moving as soon as I can. Then get back on track.

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