Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There were a few more physical symptoms I forgot to mention in my last post that I will briefly add to the list now:
My tongue is not normal. It is kind of discolored I think. It has a reddish stripe down the middle of it all the way to the tip. It also burns sometimes depending on toothpaste or mouthwash or foods I eat. 
My eyesight seems to be getting worse. Far and near the details are blurry. Tiny print is impossible without reading glasses and night driving seems very reflective with on coming headlights. 
Also, I would like to include my achy, crunchy, popping joints. 
OK I think that about does it for my laundry list of complaints. Now onto the next matter.
I have been eating a few too many of these certain potato chips today. They are delicious AND addicting. So I thought I would take a closer look at exactly what is in them. Maybe by dissecting the ingredients I would easily leave them at the store next time I see them on sale and get a craving. 
The chips are Utz brand Honey BBQ potato chips. 
The ingredients are as follows:
Potatoes-these are most likely grown conventionally with all the chemical fertilizers and pesticides needed to yield a huge crop and possibly a GMO potato too. YUCK!
Cottonseed Oil-cottonseed oil may contain natural toxins and probably has unacceptably high levels of pesticide residues (cotton is not classified as a food crop, and farmers use many agrichemicals when growing it). Be on the lookout for cottonseed oil in packaged foods and avoid products that contain it. Manufacturers like it because it's cheap, and products that say "may contain one or more of these oils" and list cottonseed, will almost certainly contain it.
Sugar- Well we know sugar is just about the worst stuff for you. Next. 
Salt- Ditto. But you do need small amounts of it. 
Dextrose-Sugar, again. This time from corn-probably GMO corn. YUCK. 
Torula Yeast-Torula, in its inactive form (usually labeled as torula yeast), is widely used as a flavouring in processed foods and pet foods. It is produced from wood sugars, as a byproduct of paper production. It is pasteurized and spray-dried to produce a fine, light grayish-brown powder with a slightly yeasty odor and gentle, slightly meaty taste.
Dehydrated Onion-Easy enough to understand that one.
Spices-Who knows???
Tomato Powder-Dried tomatoes??
Molasses Powder- which is made of Molasses and Maltodextrin ( Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is used as a food additive. It is produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powder. Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose, and might be either moderately sweet or almost flavorless. It is commonly used for the production of natural sodas and candy.)
Brown Sugar-More Sugar!!!
Honey Powder-More Sugar!!!
Extractives of Paprika-huh? 
Fructose-More Sugar!!!
Garlic Powder-ok
Citric Acid- ok I guess.
Natural Flavors-That's a catch all bunch of B.S. could actually contain MSG. 
This is the last bag of these chips that I will ever own, buy, eat or have to detox from my body. Goodbye UTZ Honey BBQ

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