Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today is Sunday and it is still morning. My favorite time of my favorite day of the week. It is bitterly cold outside today (single digits) but sunny. I want to take today to take stock in some of the nagging physical and mental symptoms that have been creeping up on me the past few years. Since my Dad died basically. He died in late 2007. Since he died I lost my Grandmother and my mother. 3 people in about 3 years. That will put some stress on the body. So I am not totally surprised that my aging process sped up a bit since 2007. Here's what's bugging me.

Number 1-Headaches. Migraines specifically. I get them at least once a month (menstrual) and they last a good 3 days. Most months see a couple of headaches and sometimes they last only one day. When I get the menstrual ones I am really down. Instant depression, intolerance to light, smells, noise and confusion. I self medicate with 3 ibuprofens about every 4 hours. That is too much ibuprofen, I know. This regiment only takes the edge off the pain with short periods throughout the day of real relief. I almost always get the headache on the left side, but sometimes the right instead. I want to be rid of these damn headaches for once and for all. They really will interfere with work and many days I barely made it through the day because I felt so sick from my migraines. So-I want those gone. I have suffered for about 10 years with them. Enough already!

Number 2- is my lack of wind power. I seem to get easily winded like never before. I suspect my heart may be really out of shape not too mention I have been experiencing a bluish tint to the base of my fingernails when my hands get cold. This could be a serious issue with my heart  and I am going to try and fix it ASAP with diet, exercise and weight loss. My body is warning me and I need to listen.

Number 3- is the arthritis (osteo) that is invading my finger joints. It started in my right pinkie finger, then my right index and now I can see it changing the shape of my middle finger on left hand. I believe this is caused by too much sugar in my diet and it has got to stop.

Number 4- on the list is my weight. I am too fat and I want to get back to my old athletic build and athletic lifestyle. I have been carrying around at least an extra 75 lbs for way too long (years) on top of that I have been really sedentary for the past 6 months. Not good. I want to have the nice ass in a pair of jeans for a change. I want to pretty clothes. I want to be taken seriously, I want to show off my personal style. I want to bend, jump, run and stretch freely. I want to look like an athlete, move like one and live like one.

Number 5- is my digestion. My stomach sometimes feels bloated and often times I can here strange gurgling sounds coming from different areas of my abdomen as my body digests its food. I never had this problem before and I want it to stop. I want excellent, clean and efficient digestive health from my mouth all the way down.

Number 6- is my brain and mood. I want a healthy, clear thinking, information retaining, good decision making brain. I have allowed my brain to get lazy. I am done with that starting today.

Number 7-is my skin, hair and nails. They could all stand improvement in health and appearance. I need to eat better and exercise to see the changes there.

Number 8- Is last but not least by any stretch. In fact number 8 is probably the most important issue.  I need to pray more and develop my relationship with God so that he is a big part of my life and not a little part. Really keep an attitude of gratitude every single day. Not waste any time on negativity, nastiness or mean spirited intentions.

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