Thursday, April 14, 2011


I am saddened deeply that I gave in.
 I gave in to the idea to try out a new Chinese restaurant. I ate my fill and some of it actually tasted delicious-at first. Now I wish I could regurgitate it or turn back the clock and be strong and say NO!
NO WAY! NOT ME!!! I don't eat that shit. It's shit afterall. Not too happy with myself but once again learned some more along this journey. What I was reminded of is the powerful food additives, chemicals and flavorings that hook you like a drug dealer giving you a free taste next thing you know you just want it. You know in your brain that you shouldn't but those few short moments of intense taste bud pleasure await and beckon with a force that is sometimes stronger than you. I am gradually gaining the strength I need to turn down those cravings with swift precision without letting the cravings overtake my real desires. My real honest to goodness, God knows it, heart of heart, soul of soul desire is to live today and everyday for the rest of my life as an ethical vegan. Please God give me strength to never give in again. I thank you.

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