Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today is Tuesday and I finally colored my hair after having put it off for the last week. I must say I really dislike the whole affair for many reasons. First off, the toxins in hair color are numerous. The one I used this time was from Loreal and I know for a fact that they have, and probably still do, test their products on animals. Right there I should boycott their products and I do except for the hair color. :-(
Also the toxins that get washed down the drain and end up in our waterways after I wash the chemical concoction out of my hair. I am on the brink of going au natural real soon... but if I am to land a job I can't be going in to the interview with alot of grays. So I just have to deal with it as they say.
As far as eating goes I still am not where I want to be (80/10/10) low fat raw vegan, but I am doing a pretty good job avoiding animal products, more than that I am educating myself as much as I can on living in a truly peaceful, non-violent way. I had to prepare supper for Edward tonight and I used some ground up organic turkey in his dinner-it won't be long before that's going to start being a problem. I mean the cooking of meat. I really don't want it in the house. Maybe I can wean him off the majority of meat meals. I will try that is for sure. :-)
I took a good long walk tonite even though I have "Harriet" and am finally able to really embrace exercising again. It feels so right, finally, to be able to work on me. I am keeping my eye on the prize.

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