Monday, May 16, 2011

Number 29

Ok here's the deal: I cheated last night. I had set a personal record of  15 days without so much as a drop of cream in my coffee but  I had been craving meat so badly for the last few days that finally I gave in. Once again the craving satisfaction came in the form of chinese food. Now, that I have eaten the meat laden food I find that it is no big deal. I had made a huge deal of it by feeling deprived. The urge had gotten so out of hand by my feeling of deprivation and perhaps by some biological process in my body that was craving an animal version of protein. I don't know. What I do know is that in order to keep this from happening again I am going to have to better stock my pantry. I am going to have to plan meals better to stave off cravings. I had not been planning at all and the pantry had gotten rather bare so it is no wonder that I was starving for something rich and savory. The sad part is I had promised myself that I would go six months exactly from May 1st to Nov 1st  as a strict vegan and celebrate National Vegan Day on the first of November. Well, I kind of blew  a perfect six month record but I am still going to pursue the goal. Maybe perfection is too much to ask for right yet. I am not going to beat myself up over it, what I will do is carry on and remember the real reason for the mission: the animals.

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